Reza Malek Sentenced to Ten Years Imprisonment in a Two Minute Trial

Reza Malek, a political prisoner detained in Evin prison section 4 was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment by Judge Moghaiseh in a trial that lasted less than 90 seconds. Reza Malek was charged with disturbing public opinion, propaganda against the regime, and insulting the leadership.

According to the Campaign for the Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners, on Monday, April 9th, 2018, Reza Malek, a political prisoner detained in Evin prison section 4, was transferred to Revolutionary Court Branch 28 by beatings and violence by Evin prison officers and agents. He was sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment by Judge Moghaiseh, the head of Branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court. The trail lasted only 90 seconds. Reza Malek was charged with disturbing public opinion, propaganda against the regime, and insulting the leadership.

Reza Malek

Mohammad Navizad, a political activist in Iran, confirmed the news on his telegram page, saying: “Reza Malek, from inside Evin Prison, contacted me and said that several times they had asked me to go to court, but because court was not accepting my lawyer (Ms. Nasrin Setoudeh), I also refused to go to court. Until today (April 9th, 2018), the guards came to the ward 4 and pulled me out by beating and force. Even though my cell mate, Mr. Abdolfattah Soltani spoke softly to them that their actions were not legal, the guards took me to a court with insult and beating with ragged clothes. Judge Moghaiseh with four questions and in a one-and-a-half-minute trial sentenced me to 10 years in prison for charges of discourage and propaganda against the regime and insulting the leadership.“

Gholamreza Makeayan, known as Reza Malek, a former intelligence service agent, was detained in prison from July 3rd, 2001 to March 2014  for expelling some of the evidence of Chain Murders of Iran  in fall of 1998, and was released after about 13 years in prison.

This maximum-security political prisoner was sentenced to one year in prison and 50 lashes at the time of his imprisonment in 2012 at Branch 28 of Tehran’s Revolutionary Court under the chairmanship of Judge Moghaiseh.

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